If you have a name to submit to the roster, or can fill in some of the missing information below
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1st Lt |
Taft, Harold H. |
0-1845251 |
722nd |
Taft, Jean L. |
723rd |
Sgt |
Tagan, John F. |
723rd |
2nd Lt |
Talbott, Robert M. |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tallis, Stanley T. H. |
36417621 |
722nd |
T/Sgt |
Tandy, J. B. |
38106818 |
721st |
Sgt |
Tanem, Vernon P. |
720th |
Sgt |
Tank, Harold F. |
32144710 |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Tarasko, Frank E. |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Tarr, George A. |
15340932 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Tate, Howard W. |
14142811 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Tate, Leroy D. |
0-689403 |
721st |
Cpl |
Tate, Sam |
34600243 |
720th |
S/Sgt |
Tateman, Woodrow W. |
16016562 |
722nd |
2nd Lt |
Tatum, Richard E. |
0-804579 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Taulbee, John W. |
35423777 |
721st |
1st Lt |
Tautfest, Earl W. |
0-749800 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Tautfest, Theodore R. |
0-689404 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Taverna, Joseph A. |
32767926 |
720th |
Taylor, Carl L. |
Cpl |
Taylor, Claude W. |
37520679 |
722nd |
Captain |
Taylor, Dayton R. |
720th |
Taylor, Elwood |
2nd Lt |
Taylor, Gordon S. |
0-682917 |
720th |
S/Sgt |
Taylor, Herbert R. Jr. |
38137167 |
720th |
Sgt |
Taylor, Jack. V. |
32682116 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Taylor, John |
35044827 |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Taylor, John W. |
0-749600 |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Taylor, Johnie C. |
18057855 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Taylor, Richard C. |
38185492 |
721st |
Sgt |
Taylor, Robert C. |
33916996 |
720th |
Pvt |
Taylor, Robert M. |
37114410 |
723rd |
Captain |
Taylor, Vincent I. |
0-691313 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Taylor, Waite L. |
39271787 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Taylor, William R. |
0-809765 |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Teague, Jack C. |
0-831847 |
720th |
T/Sgt |
Tedford, Harley O. Jr. |
16129926 |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Teed, Albert S. |
0-749628 |
721st |
Sgt |
Tegstrom, Carl R. |
16170430 |
723rd |
Pfc |
Temonio, Carlos |
1612136 |
722nd |
Cpl |
Templeton, Robert J. |
36295950 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Templin, Earl L. |
0-579439 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tenorio, Carlos |
18121369 |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Terrell, Edward |
722nd |
T/Sgt |
Terrill, Donald |
722nd |
Terrogrossa, Sal |
722nd |
Terry, Clair E. |
720th |
Pvt |
Terry, John D. |
38343177 |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Terry, Robert N. |
35369827 |
720th |
S/Sgt |
Tessitore, Albert |
32693989 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Tharp, James F. |
721st |
Sgt |
Theimer, Richard L. |
723rd |
2nd Lt |
Theriault, Jack M. Jr. |
2002137 |
HQ |
Sgt |
Theriot, Ferdinand W. |
16150350 |
723rd |
Therman, Ernest |
721st |
S/Sgt |
Thibodeau, Albert J. |
720th |
Sgt |
Thieven, John J. |
32461114 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Thomas, Arthur E. |
33578699 |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Thomas, Carl W. |
15086070 |
720th |
Captain |
Thomas, Clarence L. |
0-579447 |
722nd |
Thomas, Dayton L. |
723rd |
Sgt |
Thomas, Earl H. |
32885137 |
HQ |
Cpl |
Thomas, Harry M. |
720th |
1st Lt |
Thomas, Jeff T. |
723rd |
2nd Lt |
Thomas, John E. |
0-822140 |
720th |
Sgt |
Thomas, Leonard |
32710120 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Thomas, Millard Z. |
39842104 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Thomas, Robert H. Jr. |
32384789 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Thomas, Robert J. |
0-690009 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Thomas, Seamon C. |
18150918 |
720th |
S/Sgt |
Thompson, Albert L. |
14125812 |
720th |
Thompson, Arno H. |
S/Sgt |
Thompson, Byron V. |
723rd |
Sgt |
Thompson, Gordon J. |
17142902 |
720th |
Pvt |
Thompson, Henry L. |
37415986 |
723rd |
Thompson, Jack |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Thompson, Jack P. |
15011895 |
720th |
Sgt |
Thompson, Jack W. |
12166402 |
723rd |
Thompson, Jeffrey |
Thompson, John R. |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Thompson, Luther J. |
0-809766 |
721st |
Sgt |
Thompson, Robert L. |
723rd |
Sgt |
Thompson, Sam L. |
6954657 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Thompson, Tilman J. |
36222185 |
721st |
S/Sgt |
Thomson, Henry J. |
42094173 |
720th |
Major |
Thorpe, George L. |
0-369206 |
HQ |
2nd Lt |
Thrasher, Ernest B. |
0-810262 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Thrasher, Louis N. |
0-742466 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Thrush, Thomas L. |
35619809 |
723rd |
Thurman, Ernest |
721st |
Sgt |
Thurston, Osman L. |
31221975 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tibbets, Lawrence A. |
11122600 |
723rd |
1st Lt |
Tiernan, Lawrence T. |
720th |
S/Sgt |
Tierney, John B. |
34496279 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tijerina, Jesus M. |
38458290 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Tikkanen, Urpo |
723rd |
2nd Lt |
Tiller, Anton J. |
0-816005 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Tillison, Clarence A. |
6235551 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Tilzer, Norman |
722nd |
Sgt |
Timmel, Eugene A. |
35696528 |
721st |
S/Sgt |
Timmerwilke, Donald J. |
16162448 |
722nd |
M/Sgt |
Tinney, Edward C. |
16150572 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Tinning, Jack |
17115833 |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Tipton, Vernon J. |
0-688615 |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Titus, Richard M. |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Tizzard, Charles |
723rd |
Todd, Victor K. |
720th |
Cpl |
Tofte, Earl L. |
39617074 |
721st |
Cpl |
Tolan, Anthony G. |
35305511 |
720th |
1st Sgt |
Tollver, Willard O. |
16041217 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Tolman, Odella |
11084369 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Toman, William A. Jr. |
721st |
Cpl |
Tomaszowski, Joseph J. |
13064256 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Tombrack, John |
722nd |
2nd Lt |
Tomlinson, Howard E. Jr. |
0-714222 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Tond, George E. |
15131965 |
722nd |
Sgt |
Torgerson, Marvin G. |
19143150 |
HQ |
S/Sgt |
Tornillo, Thomas R. |
32466984 |
721st |
T/Sgt |
Tornquist, James M. |
36479967 |
720th |
Sgt |
Torre, Louis J. |
33777144 |
721st |
Sgt |
Torregrossa, Salvatore J. |
S/Sgt |
Tounis, William Jr. |
36450426 |
720th |
1st Lt |
Tousignant, Robert J. |
723rd |
Townsend, Edward |
723rd |
Townsend, John J. |
720th |
Tracht, Junior. |
723rd |
Sgt |
Tracy, Jack H. |
13095099 |
721st |
Pfc |
Tracy, Robert F. |
12209600 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Tranbarger, John E. |
15105725 |
723rd |
2nd Lt |
Tranes, Oscar F. |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Trantham, Hugh W. |
6937024 |
721st |
2nd Lt. |
Treece, Lloyd C. |
722nd |
Treislinger, Robert |
721st |
1st Lt |
Treloar, Charles W. |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Tremblay, Laval D. |
0-825715 |
720th |
Cpl |
Trevino, Davis C. |
38453653 |
721st |
Pvt |
Trinkle, Homer R. |
38475840 |
723rd |
S/Sgt |
Trinkley, James W. |
39559061 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Trinnier, Charles M. Jr. |
36584365 |
720th |
Sgt |
Tripp, Charles W. |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tripp, Wilton |
34597137 |
722nd |
2nd Lt |
Trivett, Stanley C. |
0-747684 |
S/Sgt |
Troiano, Michael R. |
32870600 |
720th |
2nd Lt |
Tronerul, Norman K. |
720th |
Cpl |
Troppe, Martin F. |
36743103 |
722nd |
Troup, Claire V. |
T/Sgt |
Troxell, John C. |
14188028 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Trueman, Delbert W. |
35900811 |
721st |
S/Sgt |
Truex, Vincent C. |
720th |
Captain |
Trzyna, Casimir J. |
2nd Lt |
Tubbs, Joseph F. |
0-690836 |
722nd |
Captain |
Tucker, Lee N. |
0-573617 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tuinstra, Erwin R. |
16085728 |
722nd |
Pvt |
Tuite, James J. |
33426018 |
721st |
2nd Lt |
Turasko, Frank E. |
723rd |
2nd Lt |
Turk, Richard E. |
0-831064 |
721st |
Cpl |
Turnage, Ronald E. |
34664543 |
722nd |
S/Sgt |
Turner, Everett S. |
15333609 |
722nd |
Pvt |
Turner, James R. |
34650983 |
723rd |
1st Lt |
Turner Wesley W. |
0-533394 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Turner, Whit |
35459562 |
723rd |
T/Sgt |
Turrentine, William W. |
15013407 |
723rd |
Cpl |
Tussey, Carl B. |
33562528 |
720th |
Cpl |
Tute, Sam |
34600293 |
720th |
Sgt |
Tuttle, Lawrence W. |
34671940 |
723rd |
Maj Gen |
Twining, Nathan F. |
HQ |
S/Sgt |
Tyhurst, Louie G. |
721st |
Sgt |
Tymick, Fred M. |
36722842 |
723rd |
Sgt |
Tysco, Stanley E. |
12167073 |
723rd |
Tyte, Jimmy |
721st |